How innovative are YOU?
Assessing where your True Innovation strengths and weaknesses are
Often, especially in a busy job such as yours, you have little to no time to reflect on your organisation's ability to innovate. You are too involved in 'doing' things, so that there is no time left for 'thinking' about the bigger and longer term picture. When was the last time you took the time and genuinely sat down to review your innovation processes, resources and capabilities? Are you fulfilling your role in innovation leadership?
What if you could assess your innovation capabilities and the context of your innovation efforts against a proven model and within only 10 minutes? Simply take the Innocation Assessment!
A great starting point to make a difference and truly become innovative. And this
is the point at which I would like to step in and help you.
The 'Innovation Scorecard', based on the 'True Innovation Model©' and testing successfully with innovation leaders in many different industries, is an effective and efficient diagnostic tool to assess your organisation's capability to innovate. It will return clearly structured and detailed results in minutes - developed and optimised with you and your challenges in mind.
Your assessment will deliver an overall Innovation Score and then break that score down into all seven categories which make up the 'True Innovation Model©'.
Once you have the results of your Innovation Scorecard we can then analyse the outcomes together , explore the reasons behind your assessment and discuss how you can make better use of the organisational strengths and how to work on the areas of improvement. We will get to the bottom of the 'Why?' and ideas about the 'How to improve measurably'. This is normally a half-day workshop.
After that you have the option to arrange a further workshop
to draw up - based on the previous assessment - your bespoke Innovation Plan. I can help you come up with your Innovation Plan, specifically tailored to YOUR
needs rather than an off-the-shelf improvement programme. We will also
put meaningful targets and key measures in place, as they will track the
improvements achieved. This usually takes
between 1 and 2 days, depending on the amount of changes you would like to initiate.
At that point you can either decide to deliver the Innovation Plan yourself with your team or we can do this together. For the latter option, I will then deliver training, activities and events for you and your team during YOUR bespoke Innovation Programme.
As you can see, YOU are in charge of your innovation journey, the pace and the intensity. I offer a modular and bespoke service that puts your needs in the centre of everything we do.
I invite you to take this free survey by clicking on the image below and assess how your organisation's current environment may affect its capability to innovate in a truly sustainable way. You will receive your report immediately via email when you click on 'submit'.
The Innovation Scorecard takes on average about 7 minutes to fill in. Please answer the 18 questions as honestly as possible, the results are confidential and will only be shared with yourself.
What my partners have to say about me

Toby Mildon
Diversity & Inclusion Architect
"Riccardo is a fantastic partner to work with. He is very clear on what he wants his programmes to achieve and communicates these objectives transparently. He is very responsive in reviewing my work and providing valuable feedback. Riccardo is very pleasant to work with, is always available to help and lives and breathes an inclusive leadership style."

Doug Gracias
R&D and Engineering Director, Prysmian UK
"Riccardo has been the driving force in creating and implementing the New Product Development process, 'EPIC.' within our business. He was able to significantly improve our 'development time' and 'speed to market' and closed gaps in cross-functional collaboration. His leadership and experience running his Future Thinking© programmes enabled us to optimise our innovation process, encouraging colleagues from different sites and backgrounds to jointly create and deliver improvement projects within 7 weeks."