Introducing: True Innovation Group Limited
It has been a busy old month of May and something very exciting has happened in the world of True Innovation: We have founded our limited company called "True Innovation Group Limited"!
Step back - what happened? Well, as my work with True Innovation has become successful during the lock-down and offered insights to small and large corporate businesses, my partner Crystal has started her own business Crystal Clear ESL - a provider of online, interactive curricula for tutors teaching online English as a Second Language (ESL).

While teaching a language is not an innovative thing, how Crystal does it, has really wowed me; beautifully created interactive slides, where teachers and students can interact with each other, lovely graphics, fun mini-games and a playful way of taking the learners step-by-step through their learning journey, with structured learning goals and assessments for each unit.
From a commercial perspective it is absolutely genious (in my eyes): While creating each lesson manually and with a lot of hard work and love, once it is created, it can be sold over and over again to a huge pool of self-employed teachers around the world. Scaling at its best! Even better, Crystal has decided to introduce a very affordable subscription model rather than a purchasing model, enabling teachers to test the curriculum first and - if satisfied - have the peace of mind never to have to plan lessons again and spending time on not-revenue-creating activities. With the variety of bundles offered, teachers can easily cover the cost within two to three lessons. Considering that some teachers have full online schedules of ten lessons or even more per day, it is a real steal.
While True Innovation and Crystal Clear ESL service entirely different markets, the core of both businesses is the same - truely innovative solutions that enable and support our clients on their journeys to success.